Western Reserve Society

Sons of the American Revolution

1st in Ohio - 2nd Oldest in the Country


Events & RSVPs

Event Calendar

Online RSVP Service

You can RSVP (no payment required) or Pre-Pay for any event by clicking the appropriate box below. Feel free to contact us with questions.


The WRSSAR holds regular events throughout the year. These events are open to all members, their families, friends and the community at large

RSVPs are required for all events. We accept online credit card payments at the time of your reservation OR you can pay at the door (cash, check or credit card). Cancellations must be made in writing or by phone, at least, 72 hours ahead of time.

If you RSVP but fail to attend the event, we will need you to reimburse us the full cost of your ticket since the venue will charge us for your meal whether you attend or not.