Western Reserve Society

Sons of the American Revolution

1st in Ohio - 2nd Oldest in the Country



The Western Reserve Society SAR has a series of programs designed to carry out our educational, patriotic and historic mission, as well as, offering programs of interest to our members and their guests. Many of our events are luncheons or dinners featuring a speaker, but, we also host picnics, summer baseball game outings, and other events of interest to our members, their families and friends.

The WRSSAR is an entirely volunteer organization that carries out all of its programs through the volunteer leadership of our members. Please consider joining a committee, becoming a program chairman or joining the Board of Trustees. No matter how much or how little time you have to offer, there is always a major contribution that you can make.

For questions about what any of these programs do or how you can help, please email wrssar.communications@gmail.com

Educational Programs:

  • Elementary School Poster Contest
  • Middle School Brochure Contest
  • 8th Grade Good Citizenship Award
  • High School Oration Contest
  • High School Essay Contest
  • Gates Mills Essay Contest

Community Outreach Programs:

  • Eagle Scout Award
  • New Citizenship Swearing-in ceremony support
  • JROTC/ROTC Awards
  • Police, Fire, EMS Service Awards
  • Community Member Good Citizenship Awards
  • Private Citizen - superior Flag Flying Award

Patriotic and Civic Programs:

  • Archibald Willard Color Guard
  • Veterans Committee Programs
  • Graves Committee: Honoring Our Ancestors

Membership Programs:

  • Membership Luncheons, Dinners & Events (5-8 per year) ** See the Events page for the latest listings of events
  • Genealogy Programs and support
  • Historic Sites programs

Communication & Leadership Programs:

  • Facebook webmaster
  • Website webmaster
  • Newsletter "The Circular" (writers, photographers, editor)
  • Public Relations Spokesman
  • Society Officers
  • Trustee Officer

We are all so proud to be part of this exceptional organization. Regardless of your particular political persuassion, you can find a home among our membership. We are all descendents of the Patriot Ancestors who changed the world forever through their vision, leadership and sacrifice.

As their descendents, its is our charge to not let their sacrifices be forgotten to history.

Today, like in the 18th century, we may not all agree on the issues. whether it is the writings of Jefferson or Hamilton, Adams or Washington, our founders each had their own unique perspectives. But, collectively, they acted to realize an independent and free country, whose citizens are granted inalienable rights that no party or official can ever deny and whose government's right to govern flows solely from those that they govern. Although the founders were not perfect and not all issues appropriately resolved from today's perspective, their vision, their sacrifice, their honorable service, changed the future for mankind forever for the better.

We, their descendents, must strive to always promote US history and the values inscribed in the founding documents and upon which this great country was built.